Egypt is on fire. There is a revolution. CNN images are omnipresent.
A small team is flying into Cairo. Most people are from England. I live in New Zealand, which is a long way from a revolution of any kind.
Why go to Egypt in search of Alexander? After all, he was a Macedonian, who conquered the Persian empire and died in Babylon.
There are a couple of very good reasons.
Alexander was buried in Egypt and may still be there. His journey to consult the famous oracle at Siwa has a temple where one can go directly in his footsteps. It is the only place in the world where this is possible.
Every major political leader has visited the spot. Even today it is a place of pilgrimage. Why? Because Siwa was where Alexander the Great was declared the son of a god. From there he went on to conquer much of the known world. It’s amazing what confidence can do for a young man!
Our last day in Cairo is uneventful. The hotel is pleasant. To my surprise a handsome Egyptian is sent to pick me up for dinner. Dressed in a white linen suit, buffed and with a moustache, he looks like Omar Sharif gone right!
We go to a great setting with a vast pool complex and palms. Everyone else from the group is there. I notice the gentleman who escorted me is discreet, blends in and yet keeps to himself. The reason for his behaviour (and muscular frame) becomes apparent when his white jacket swishes to the left. He’s packing heat.
A special agent, he is one cog in the security, most of it unseen, which will be employed throughout the trip.
I retire early and miss the news. In the morning, everyone is talking. Some have not slept. Apparently, during the night Coptic Christians and Muslims clashed around the Cairo Museum. People have died and our guide’s wife does not want him going off into the desert.
We also appear to be travelling the route of Cambyses rather than that of Alexander-the-Great. (Cambyses was the Persian king who lost an entire army in the desert on the way to Siwa!)
It takes hours to leave Cairo in cars. Finally, we reach the desert. There is security ahead and the army has been notified. Outside the city we swap cars for four-wheeled vehicles.
We are on our way.